Everything on this web site is ours. Simple.

And by everything, we mean it: all the photos, logos, patches, graphics, illustrations, designs, text content, materials, equipment, tools, faces, pretty blue eyes, impressive red beards, amazing abs, etc... are exclusively ours. No stock photography, fake or generic stuff, or third party crap.

So, you cannot use anything from this site without our written permission. Simple.  

(No, the axe isn't a threat, for this, read below. You wouldn't be afraid of that tiny axe anyway, would you!?)


Under U.S. law (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), you may face up to 5 years in jail, and $500,000 fine for illegally sharing our content and materials. Under European legislation (Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights), that's up to 6 years in jail, and up to € 60 000 fine, depending on your country of residence. In Canada, you won't go to jail, but you'll still have to cough up $5,000 per violation.

But who cares about the law, right? So, in jurisdictions where allowed, or where we may have a reasonable expectation to avoid aggravating consequences, we may just elect to simply engage violators physically. This is in application of traditional Norse laws, and it is far more efficient and satisfying as it avoids wasting time and resources in legal and administrative proceedings.

And if you think you are anonymous on the internet, think again. Decades of government interference in the name of security means it is easier to ID you with your IP address than it would be with a DNA sample!

At the end of the day, though, nobody in their right mind would mess with a horde of Víkingar by stealing their stuff...


Media are hereby expressly prohibited from using any of our materials. If local laws allow media to use copyrighted materials without the owner's permission, they must ensure that their use falls strictly within a fair use policy. Any deviation from applicable legislation, however minor, shall result in legal action without any further notice. 

Yeah, we don't like most media... Too much unethical sensationalistic propaganda often lacking factual basis.